Mission Net Zero | The Sustainability Report 2023-2024

March 2025


Our 2023-2024 Sustainability Report showcases our exceptional Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) achievements while also laying out our ambitious goals.

The recently released report covers 32 properties, including assets managed by Brookfield India Real Estate Trust (BIRET) and private funds, representing over 55 million square feet of real estate across 10 cities in India. It outlines progress across the three ESG pillars.


We have achieved a 47% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions intensity since FY 2020. This success is primarily driven by our adoption of clean energy and energy-efficient practices. Currently, 27% of our total energy consumption comes from renewable sources, with a goal of 100% renewable energy adoption by 2027 and achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040. Additionally, our pedestrian-friendly developments have contributed to saving more than 7,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.

Our waste management efforts are also making an impact, with 25% of our portfolio already exceeding landfill diversion targets—an important step toward achieving 97% landfill diversion by 2025. With 98% of our managed area holding at least one sustainability certification, we continue to set benchmarks for environmentally responsible development.

To enhance operational resilience, all our assets have undergone climate risk studies aligned with global warming pathways. We are also expanding our water neutrality efforts and implementing retrofit emission control devices to further reduce our environmental impact.


We are committed to strengthening local communities and fostering inclusivity. In alignment with India’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, 99% of the materials used in our developments are sourced locally, reducing supply chain emissions while supporting the domestic economy. Our CSR initiatives contribute to national progress by creating job opportunities for persons with disabilities and empowering young women through education and career development programs.

We also prioritize the well-being of our occupiers, and we have earned a 96% satisfaction score, with an 87% response rate.





area under management holding at least one sustainability certification

occupier satisfaction score*

*with an 87% response rate

complaints concerning breaches of custom privacy, theft, leak and loss of customer data or critical information

lower carbon emissions intensity (Scope 1 and Scope 2) as compared to FY-2020 baseline





of our assets under management have undergone climate risk studies under key global warming pathways

of total energy is sourced from renewable power

of new developments being built to IGBC /LEED Platinum and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) 5-star rating or better

employees received performance reviews

Our CSR programs support underprivileged children


We uphold the highest standards of governance, ensuring transparency, compliance and data security. We maintain 100% digital compliance reporting, with zero privacy breaches recorded in FY 2023-24. Additionally, no complaints concerning breaches of customer data or critical information have been reported.

Our ESG initiatives have earned over 95 accolades, including recognition as ‘Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Green Champions’. We aim to ensure that 100% of new developments meet IGBC/Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certifications, along with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) 5-star standards or better.

Through these ongoing efforts, we remain dedicated to creating lasting value for customers, communities and the planet.