First Nations Brolga Dance Academy performance in the lobbyFirst Nations Brolga Dance Academy performance in the lobby
Australia Reconciliation

We foster an inviting, inclusive environment.

Our vision for reconciliation in Australia is to celebrate and welcome First Nations peoples, histories, cultures, languages, and art in the properties and precincts we operate and develop. Our mission is to create environments and experiences where all cultures feel welcome.

Reconciliation Action Plans

First Nations engagement is rising to the forefront of Australia’s property industry with supplier diversity and culturally collaborative approaches to development, such as ‘Designing for Country’, becoming increasingly important to both the industry and wider community.

Download our plans


Making a difference

Throughout this journey we've come to understand how our business can play a positive role in creating spaces where all cultures feel welcome, and how we can build opportunities to elevate the narratives of Australia’s many First Nations communities.


Our Reflect RAP - which we launched in 2022 - helped us to set out a framework and educate ourselves in order to embark on our reconciliation journey in a meaningful way. In 2024 we launched our Innovate RAP and we’re now developing our commitment to Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and peoples through our sphere of influence, and by using our learnings from the Reflect stage.

Danny Poljak, President, Australia

mural of an aboriginal male putting ceremonial face paint on

Achievements through principles

  • Embed Designing by Country principles to ensure the First Nation Peoples are reflected

  • Invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders businesses to compete for our work

  • Provide cultural learning opportunities for our employees

  • Volunteer our time and fundraise for social causes by partnering with not-for-profit organisations

  • Connect our tenants to First Nations people and cultures through our placemaking platform

View our Designing with Country case study