city skylinecity skyline

Cultivating a better world, together

By applying boundless imagination to the world’s most complex and important projects, we create a better company for our people and partners, better communities for our neighbors, and a better world for us all.

Brookfield Properties worldwide

  • 1000+

    managed properties

  • 380M+

    square feet. of commercial space

  • 70M+

    square feet in development pipeline

Our operating portfolio

map of the world with highlighted countries in bright green
  • 35,000

    multifamily units

  • 130M

    square feet of retail

  • 150M

    square feet of office

  • 370

    logistics warehouses

Sydney Australia skyline with water
Brazil skyline
Canada skyline
China skyline
Skyline of Germany
India skyline
UAE skyline
UK skyline
city skyline